TEC-GROUP combines machinery and plant engineering with lightning-fast image processing and laser technology.

Which technology makes overall economic sense? What are the costs and follow-up costs of a functioning solution and is there really no better one? What is the state of the art overall and which current developments can we make usable?

Tel.: +49 50 31/ 939 444 0
Fax: +49 50 31/ 939 444 6
E-Mail: service@prautec.de

Having emerged from one of the largest electronics groups in the world, Q.VITEC sees itself as a solution provider in all matters of industrial image processing. In this field, we convince with intelligent software, reliable hardware and customized system integration.

Tel.: +49 50 31/ 949 43 20
Fax: +49 50 31/ 949 43 29
E-Mail: info@qvitec.de

We are a successful sales and development partner of leading companies. We provided the basis for the collaboration between Panasonic and Tesa, who jointly invented a revolutionary glass marking technology. In the process, high-contrast marking that is tamper-proof and durable has become possible.

Tel.: +49 50 31/ 949 43 30
Fax: +49 50 31/ 939 43 36
E-Mail: info@unittec.de